Do You Want To Take Back Control Over Your Life?
Let's start by asking, do you want to take back control over your life? Do you want the Freedom to live life on your own terms?
Seems rhetorical doesn't it? Who wouldn't want control over how they live their life and yet many are living lives of quiet desperation, unaware of the possibilities for them to make a change? Even unaware of why they feel so stressed, so unhappy, unhealthy, dissatisfied and disillusioned with their life.
Does this ring true for you? Do you even realize that you have no control over your own life if you live within "the system"? Do you realize how vulnerable you are if you live within "the system"? How will you survive if "the system" fails? This is about getting to that Freedom to live life on your own terms. Are you ready?
But, What Is "The System"?
Fundamentally, "the system" is an umbrella of complex societal and cultural "laws, rules and agreements" under which we've all tacitly agreed to live by default. It's management is a pyramid structure comprised, from top to bottom, of Federal, State, Local and HOA governing bodies.
Since the dawn of the Industrial age, the accepted "norm" for living within this system has become: "Go to school, get educated, maybe run up a huge tuition debt in the process, then get a job, waste time and money in commuting, work well over 40 hours per week in a 40 hour/week job but for only 40 hours pay with a mixed bag of people, some of whom you can't even stand, and do this day in and day out/week after week/year after year to 'earn' a miserably brief 'paid vacation', maybe get health-care 'benefits' and possibly eventually accumulate enough savings to 'retire' some day in the future."
Is this the "freedom" you thought you wold have to live your life on your own terms when you set out on this leg of your life journey?
If you are not being taught to become self-sufficient and self-reliant, you are, instead, being subtly indoctrinated to become dependent upon, and subservient to, 'the system'. "Whatcha gonna do if 'the system' fails"? Read more here:
How Is This Working Out For You?
You do all this so you can pay huge property tax and HOA bills on an over-priced house in a high-density residential area with a mortgage, insurance and maintenance upkeep bills plus a car loan and ongoing bills for your children's welfare and schooling, etc., and yet you have no safety net plus lots of stress.
Taken all together, you and your partner are working yourselves to a frazzle to make just enough to meet your bills but with no time left to enjoy the fruits of your labors. You work as hard as you do for as comparatively little pay as they pay you so as to make top management, shareholders and owners wealthy at your own welfare's expense.
So Now Ask Yourself:
What happens to you and your family's welfare, when "the system" fails? When the things that you depend upon go away or get mismanaged? Your job goes away or, as in Flint, Michigan, your water supply becomes dangerous, or there is a prolonged power grid outage as in Puerto Rico? What then?
- 1Have you been looking for help to find your way out of “the system”? Do you want to get yourself into living a healthier, self-sustainable lifestyle?
Yes? Then this is for you! - 2Are you trapped living paycheck to paycheck and/or working multiple jobs to make ends meet? Are you fed-up with being trapped in an awful, tiring, dangerous, daily commute? Do you want a way to get out of these endless, mind-numbing, exhausting, fear-filled traps?
Yes? Then this is for you! - 3Have you enjoyed a great career until recently only to now find yourself no-longer able to secure the kind of work and income to which you have become accustomed in the past and now you need a new way to support yourself and your family?
Yes? Then this is for you! - 4Have you already escaped from “the system”? Have you already begun to create your off-the-grid lifestyle and want to ask questions? Do you want more information, share your experiences and get additional support? Would you like to be a participating member in an online, off the grid, like-minded community?
Yes? Then this is for you! - 5Do you want to take back control over your life? Are you planning to get yourself off the grid and looking for ways, and support, in doing that?
Yes? Then this is definitely for you!
And You Answered 'YES' To Any Or All Questions:
Then you really need to get out of living in "the system" and get into living "off the grid"! You really do need to take back control over your life!
To take back control over your life means creating Freedom for yourself. It means having Freedom from all of the ugly, happiness-draining, stress-inducing, things that come with living within 'the system'. Read more here:
To take back control over your life means creating Freedom for yourself. It means having Freedom from all of the ugly, happiness-draining, stress-inducing, things listed above.
In simplest terms, you would get to this level of Freedom in your life by choosing to get out from being dependent on any of those things that are typically provided by or supplied by, and controlled by, "the system".
That includes securing your freedom from dependence on the power grid for your electricity, super-markets for your food and the 9-5 Jobs market for your income.
Does this resonate with you? Is this kind of Freedom something that you really want for yourself? It's not easy to get and it takes being responsible for the outcome of your own decisions. It takes being responsible for the choices that you make about how you live your own life. But it can also be very rewarding.
Are You Ready To Take Back Control Over Your Life?
It's about having control of those things over which you ordinarily would have no control and the loss of which would put you and your family's welfare at risk: Loss of power, food, water, shelter and income!
That's why the sub-text heading for "How To Live Off The Grid Now" is "Get Freedom From Dependence On the Power Grid for your Electricity, the Super-Markets for your Food and the 9-5 Jobs Market for your Income".
Take Back Control Over Your Life
So What Does Take Back Control Over Your Life Mean?
To take back control over your own life is ultimately about becoming self-sufficient and self-reliant. Creating a lifestyle that is not dependent on anything normally provided by living within "the system". Ultimately, you also create the freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it with whom you want to do it.
This is important because this level of Freedom allows you not only to have more control over your own life but also speaks to your underlying desire to have more time with family and friends. This gives you the opportunity to create the freedom you yearn for and desire to have in your life. Only in this way, can you then focus on the things that leave you feeling happy, healthy, accomplished, rewarded, successful and gratified. Who would not want to feel that way?
"How To Live Off The Grid Now" is about helping folks like you find your way out of "the system" trap and into creating this freedom for yourself by showing you how, and helping you, to create your own self-sustainable off the grid lifestyle.
"How To Live Off The Grid Now" is about helping folks find their way out of "the system" trap and into creating self-sustainable freedom for themselves in living out of "the system" and off the grid. Read more here:
Quit The Rat-Race - Take Back Control Over Your Life:
"How To Live Off The Grid Now" is a set of resources designed to help you get out of “the system”; it’s about providing you with a way for you to get yourself “out of the system” and into being off the grid; helping you to take back control over your life and over how you live your own life.
For as long as you remain within “the system”, you are a slave to the limitations of the 9-5 commuting and cubicle ritual and your welfare and happiness are extremely vulnerable to any failure in “the system” on which you now must depend.
How much control over this routine and source of income do you have? Do you really want to continue putting yourself and your family at such risk? No? Then quit the rat-race now. You must begin to take back control over your life today while you still can!
Overwhelmed With Boring Work And Tedious Commute.
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Begin to take back control over how you live your own life today! Why wait for the next crisis which then may be too late to make any new choices?
Enroll now to join the "off the grid", interactive, members only, Community of "How To Live Off The Grid Now" when the next registration event opens.
By enrolling today, you have a chance of becoming an early-bird Charter Founding Member* of this growing Community and claiming certain special benefits. Click here to register and also get access to a Free copy of my 11 Things To Know Checklist.
* Available only by competition drawn from early-bird registration subscribers. Details to be announced before end of March 2018.
What Does Living Off The Grid Mean:
Living “off the grid” for us means so much more than just going to live in some remote spot well away from society. It means so much more than just cutting ties to the national power grid while still living in an urban/suburban setting though there is nothing wrong with either option.
Living off the grid means freedom from dependence on conventional societal support systems like the power grid for electricity, super-markets for food, 9-5 jobs market for income and much more. Read more here:
In the broadest sense, it's about getting to that place in your life where you can begin to enjoy a generally less-stressful, more satisfying, much healthier and happier life living wherever you choose to live. That is what living off the grid means for us.
It's a case of being as self-sufficient, and having as much self-reliance, as possible. In other words, getting to be as independent of having a need for any outside resources as is possible wherever you live. It means having as much freedom from “the system” as is possible to get wherever you live.
It means, for example, having freedom from dependence on conventional societal support systems like the power grid for your electricity, the super-market for your food, the 9-5 jobs market for your income and so much more.
It comes down to having control of those things over which you ordinarily would have no control yet the loss of which would put your welfare at risk: Power, food, shelter and income! In other words, you take back control over your life.
Ultimately, it means being able to enjoy having the freedom of being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it and with whom you want to do it.
Getting there is neither easy nor quick to achieve but being there, once you are up and functioning, is priceless!
Is Living Off The Grid Really What You Want To Do:
Does this sound like something that you would really like to be able to do with your own life and your own lifestyle?
Do you choose to escape from “the system” or do you prefer to stay vulnerable, trapped within “the system”? Are you ready to take back control over how you live your life?
There are risks with either choice: Going from living on-the-grid and “in the system” to living off-the-grid and “out of the system” is not easy to do.
16ft Modern Yurt On Platform - cc Pacific Yurts
However, in living within “the system”, the system is in control of your life whereas in living outside of “the system”, you are in control! Are you ready to find the system escape hatch and take back control over your life?
Living inside “the system”, "the system" controls your life. Living outside “the system”, you are in control! Are you ready to find the escape hatch and take back control over your life? Read more here:
Do you want to find out how to do that? Would you find it beneficial to do that with help from within a supportive environment of like-minded folks who are also getting themselves out of the system and into living off the grid? Then you now are in the right place to get started here.
How To Live Off The Grid - The System Escape Hatch:
Why I Started "How To Live Off The Grid Now":
I started “How To Live Off The Grid Now” to create a mutually self-supportive community and to provide information and resources for folks like you to use in creating your own system escape hatch.
It's a place to find out how to develop, and get support for creating, a "get out of the system" escape road-map and plan to become self-sufficient and self-reliant. A place to learn about creating your own off the grid lifestyle and get answers to your questions.
And, of course, HTLOTGN* is all about how to take back control over your life and into freedom from dependence on the system.
*HTLOTGN is an abbreviation for "How To Live Off The Grid Now"
Benefits Of Community Membership:
Membership in “How To Live Off The Grid Now” includes access to an Academy and an interactive Forum.
Getting from living within the system to living self-sustainably out of the system is a major project. How to handle these things is covered by curated guidance and resources available only from within the Academy.
The Academy includes a growing library of how-to videos, tutorials, informational guides and plans related to getting yourself into living self-sustainably off the grid. For example, there are 11 key things that you need to know about, and handle successfully, in this process. Did you know that?
“How To Live Off The Grid Now” also includes access to a private, members-only Forum for getting answers and exchanging information and ideas with like-minded off the grid folks. And it includes access to special Deals and Opportunities for resources that you will need to support your off the grid lifestyle such as water filters, rocket stoves and many other items.
It's about providing help for you to get yourself out from being captive and dependent “in the system” trap and, instead, get you into ultimately enjoying having the freedom and independence of being “out of the system” by creating, and living, an off the grid lifestyle.
Note that getting to live “out of the system” here is just another way of describing what it means to be self-sustaining and self-reliant by living fully "off the grid”. Just another way of describing what take back control over your life is really all about.
Register Today To Join On Next Membership Opening Date:
Begin to take back control over your life today!
Enroll now to join the "off the grid", interactive, members only, Community of "How To Live Off The Grid Now" when the next registration event opens.
By enrolling today, you have a chance of becoming an early-bird Charter Founding Member* of this growing Community and claiming certain special benefits. Click here to register and also get access to a Free copy of my 11 Things To Know Checklist.
* Available only by competition drawn from early-bird registration subscribers. Details to be announced before end of March 2018.
This is for those who have come to realize how our modern-day society is designed to entrap, ensnare and control us. The system needs to have us conform to its unspoken built-in demands. It needs us to unconsciously, slavishly, keep feeding the coffers of the “corporate robber barons and warmongers" at the top of our societal food-chain.
The system also operates in ways that would have us keep in power those in the “Deep State” - The Swamp - who really run our government. The sole purpose, as Eisenhower warned so many years ago, is to serve the needs and wishes of the corporate robber barons and warmongers. That also means that the system ignores the impact of its decisions upon the needs of “we, the people”.
We Are "Educated" To Become "Grist To The Mill":
According to Gavin Nascimento, though I've held this belief for many years prior to finding his post, here is a notion with which I totally agree and have extended:
“If we are not being taught how to grow our own food, not being taught how to take care of ourselves and our families and not being shown how to live without the need for huge governments, banks or corporations – as our ancestors once did before the dawn of the Industrial Age – then we are not being educated.
We are, instead, being indoctrinated to become dependent on, and subservient to, ‘the system’ as nothing more than a constant supply of grist to the mill that feeds the coffers of the ‘corporate robber barons and warmongers’.”
If we are not being taught to become self-reliant, we are instead being indoctrinated to become dependent upon, and subservient to, 'the system'. Read more here:
The System Trap:
How The System Trap Is Set:
The trap is set early on in life by having us grow up believing that what we are actually doing in getting an education or in learning a trade, becoming skilled, experienced and moving up the ladder in a “good job”, is that somehow we are getting ahead towards having a good life.
But what happens when things don’t work out according to this plan for your life?
What happens when the kind of work for which you have been, long and hard, skillfully trained to do has suddenly been out-sourced, off-shored, replaced by robotics and automation or, one way or another, has gone away, never to return?
Or what happens when the kind of job for which you’ve been well educated and have become very experienced suddenly goes away because of a corporate merger, a down-sizing or has gone for whatever other reason is given but, regardless of reasons, is never to return.
Or what happens if, even like the buggy-whip before it, you have been successfully working to produce something that was once in great demand but now is no longer even required by society, what then?
Life Can Change Dramatically In A Heart-Beat:
For example, I still remember from my early career working alongside proud, capable, experienced “Heaters” - guys in charge of huge furnaces managing the correct degree of heating steel ingots ready for the rolling mills in steel production.
They knew their jobs extremely well but that was the only job that they knew well.
When the steel plants closed, so also did their well-paying jobs and their opportunities for getting another, equivalent, well-paying job. So what next are they to do for income? One more reason you have to take back control over your life.
Or consider the coal-miners. No matter what may come out of Washington DC in propaganda, coal is never going to come back into favor. It is never again going to be used as much as it once was being used.
Clean coal is an oxymoron - a combination of contradictory terms - something that, to achieve in any degree, is extremely energy intensive and costly, therefore generally not economically viable.
In addition, most plants that traditionally have been vast consumers of coal either have been phased out or converted to use other methods of heating the steam for the turbines.
Another example: amongst my own previous projects are 4 x 460 Megawatt Nuclear Power Stations.
The result is that many miners will not be going back to work any time soon. So what next are coal miners to do for income? Yet another reason you have to take back control over your life.
Many other industries have seen similar radical changes resulting in the displacement of numerous hard-working, well-trained, skilled and educated workers. Automation and robotics has significantly contributed to this situation. And yet another reason you have to take back control over your life now.
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Begin to take back control over your life today!
Enroll now to join the "off the grid", interactive, members only, Community of "How To Live Off The Grid Now" when the next registration event opens.
By enrolling today, you have a chance of becoming an early-bird Charter Founding Member* of this growing Community and claiming certain special benefits. Click here to register and also get access to a Free copy of my 11 Things To Know Checklist.
* Available only by competition drawn from early-bird registration subscribers. Details to be announced before end of March 2018.
Changes I've Seen Through My Own Career:
As part of my own college scholarship towards an electrical engineering degree, I had factory shop-floor experiences. I worked 6-month alternate periods in school and in the factory. This was done so as to congruently learn both the academic and the practical aspects of business and production work.
On the shop floor, I learned how to weld and how to use machine tools as an apprentice. Thus I got to see, first hand, how the skilled workers built huge machines like electricity generators, turbines and locomotives.
There were other major industrial engineering projects under contract there. This was a huge Heavy Industry Electrical Engineering business with thousands of employees.
Even back then, systems developments of process automation and robotic Numeric Control of production machines were advancing at fast pace.
Once out of college, I entered the conventional 9-5 type jobs path. In one of my first projects, I designed and installed a material handling robotics system. This was to control a system of inter-related conveyors.
Meanwhile, colleagues were designing automated stacking cranes and automated driver-less tugs. We put these systems into a massive warehouse the size of several football fields. Thus we significantly reduced the number of workers required to operate this cavernous distribution facility by this automation.
This all happened in as far back as the late 60's and automation has been steadily growing ever since. I’ll get to the point of sharing all this with you in a moment.
The Advent Of The Industrial Age:
The Industrial Revolution brought thousands of folks in from rural life to the life in the towns. The attraction was to go where manufacturing businesses began to develop. Payment for work done in factories was typically higher and more dependable than that paid for farm work. As various industries began to grow, so did the towns housing the workers. Towns became cities as the need for housing and services to support the influx of workers grew.
Henry Ford’s development of mass-production birthed the auto-industry and set a production methodology example for many other industries. Subsequently, two world wars exponentially increased the demand for skilled trade and specialist craftsmen workers. There was a fast growing need as well as for blue-collar assembly and production workers. In turn, this also lead to increases in levels of management workers as businesses grew to meet demand.
Then Along Comes Robotics and Automation:
But all of that is now history: A time that is not likely ever to be repeated in that form.
The point here is simply this. The progression of automation, robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) guarantees that the need for masses of workers that once drove the auto, steel and coal industries, amongst others, is over.
In addition, outsourcing production to off-shore cheaper labor countries, and the fact that many things have gone the way of the buggy-whip - items that are no longer in demand - also results in major reduction in demand for workers.
And herein lies the major problem of our time and the key point I promised to share with you.
Process control, production robotics and operations automation is replacing thousands of blue-collar production jobs.
With resultant downsizing of the basic blue-collar labor force also comes downsizing of the required white collar admin and management force. These jobs are never coming back. That's so-called progress! But it is inevitable.
Jobs Are Created Only By A Demand For Production:
The last point is this. “Jobs” are created only, because there is a need for workers to produce something that is in demand by customers.
A business exists, grows and survives only because it is producing something that customers will spend money to buy. But a business can sell it products only when there is a demand for those products. There can be no demand of any kind if your potential customers do not have enough money to spend.
Remember, buggy whip production died when the car replaced the horse and carriage. But also, a business will sell its products only when there are customers for the production coming out of that business.
Even using extended credit ultimately requires having money to pay it down. You need a substantial source of dependable income to live comfortably within "the system". You still need a reliable source of income just to survive within "the system" with a roof over your head and have food on the table. With no dependable "job" you have no reliable source of income! You have no control over your life!
Your potential customers will not have money to spend with you if they've been downsized or lost their jobs. A shrinking Jobs market thus translates into a shrinking customer base which then leads to a further loss of jobs. I explain this whole vicious cycle in this Blog Post: Tax Cuts = Jobs Creation Is Fake News
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Begin to take back control over your life today!
Enroll now to join the "off the grid", interactive, members only, Community of "How To Live Off The Grid Now" when the next registration event opens.
By enrolling today, you have a chance of becoming an early-bird Charter Founding Member* of this growing Community and claiming certain special benefits. Click here to register and also get access to a Free copy of my 11 Things To Know Checklist.
* Available only by competition drawn from early-bird registration subscribers. Details to be announced before end of March 2018.
Waking Up To A New Unpleasant Reality:
Discovering Our Life Is Not Working Out As Promised:
As life unfolds, for many of us, we gradually come to realize that the reality in which we find ourselves is not as was promised.
We are led to believe that if we did what society expected of us then we would have a happy outcome. That expectation is - get educated, trained, skilled and gainfully employed, make money - and all will then be well with you!
The Ages Of Mankind
Societies big lie: get educated, trained, skilled, gainfully employed, make money - and all will be well with you! Wake-up to reality: It is not true. We are really being entrained to become enslaved by the system. Read more here:
However, for many of us following this path, we eventually wake-up to discover that is not true. We are really being trained to become enslaved by the system. Does that ring true for you?
At that point, many typically will begin to react negatively. We may then try to numb out our growing psychic pain and feelings of being out of control in our life. We may turn to drugs, alcohol, affairs or even to constantly buying yet another wiz-bang goodie that a TV Ad convinces us it is supposed to solve all of our problems and bring us happiness. Of course, none of these things actually help; typically, they leave us feeling worse.
It's another version of the so-called "mid-life crisis"! Remember the quote above from Gavin Nascimento about “If we are not being taught how to ...."? That's why my focus here is about how to "Take Back Control Over Your Life"! It is why "How To Live Off The Grid Now" is all about how to "Take Back Control Over Your Life".
We need to escape from our dependence on "the system" because that dependence leaves us extremely vulnerable to harm when "the system" fails. And fail it will; fail it has in the past even when least expected.
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Begin to take back control over your life today!
Enroll now to join the "off the grid", interactive, members only, Community of "How To Live Off The Grid Now" when the next registration event opens.
By enrolling today, you have a chance of becoming an early-bird Charter Founding Member* of this growing Community and claiming certain special benefits. Click here to register and also get access to a Free copy of my 11 Things To Know Checklist.
* Available only by competition drawn from early-bird registration subscribers. Details to be announced before end of March 2018.
Lastly, You Don't Have To Become A Farmer:
I've said this many times before in other places but it bears repeating so that you do not become put off about the idea of getting to live off the grid because you do not have any interest in farming.
You simply do not have to become a farmer or get involved in growing your own vegetables and animals just to get to live off the grid. However, if you goal is to ultimately become truly self-sufficient and self-reliant in your new lifestyle, you will have to incorporate some method of providing yourself with a dependable supply of a range food types.
"Farming" in the broadest sense of that word, at least on a small or backyard scale, is just one way for you to do that but not necessarily the only way. In many cases, if you have a good sized backyard, say 1/2 to 1 acre of arable soil space, you can easily grow enough essential food stuff, including chickens for meat and eggs, to keep you basically supplied.
Whichever path you choose, my idea of farming is totally different and, arguably, much more fun and rewarding, than the traditional way of farming. Also, if you create your own online business as a source of income, you may be able to partner with someone who wants, and loves, to farm. Sub the farming/food growing activity to your partner; collaborate with them and let them do that part of your deal.
Please Share With Friends And Family:
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/Peter Off-The-Grid