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Category Archives for live off the grid

How To Make Money To Live Life On Your Own Terms!

The Key To Living Life On Your Own Terms.

The key to being able to reliably live life on your own terms, with comfort and ease, is to escape "The System": You have to get off "The Grid"* to Gain Radical Independence Directly (GRID) for yourself! (See * below for my definition; what I mean by get off "The Grid" and live off "The Grid".) 

This simply means, you have to be living your life in a way that is free of having any dependence on any of the things you need for a safe, comfortable life that could affect your welfare and safety but over which things you typically, conventionally, have no control. Things such as your Income, Shelter, Food and Electricity: You have to be in control of these things to protect your welfare and safeguard your well-being!

make money off the grid: Cash In The Bank

Cash In The Bank

But, to have that kind of control, this means that you have to escape "The System"! You have to be living off "The Grid"*! In particular, you have to get out from depending on the 9-5 Jobs Market for your source of Income. But, how are you going to do that? Do you know how to do that? 

This article deals specifically with alternate options for making money and handling the challenge of creating Income outside of relying on the typical 9-5 Jobs Market that exists within "The System"! So, keep reading to find the solution that could work for you ...

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Take Back Control Over Your Life

Do You Want To Take Back Control Over Your Life?

Let's start by asking, do you want to take back control over your life? Do you want the Freedom to live life on your own terms?

Seems rhetorical doesn't it? Who wouldn't want control over how they live their life and yet many are living lives of quiet desperation, unaware of the possibilities for them to make a change? Even unaware of why they feel so stressed, so unhappy, unhealthy, dissatisfied and disillusioned with their life. 

Take Back Control Over Your Life: Traffic-Jam Daily Commute

Classic Commuter Nightmare. Toxic Fumes, Stress, Time And Money Loss.

Does this ring true for you? Do you even realize that you have no control over your own life if you live within "the system"? Do you realize how vulnerable you are if you live within "the system"? How will you survive if "the system" fails? This is about getting to that Freedom to live life on your own terms. Are you ready?

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