Why Do You Need Money To Live Off The Grid?
Freedom comes from escaping "The System" and getting into Living Off-The-Grid* free of any dependence on "The System"!
There are four basic freedoms: Purpose, Time, People and Location! Helping you to achieve these freedoms is what "Your Life By Design™", is all about!
In summary, to live your life on your own terms with comfort and ease and enjoy having the four freedoms - being able to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want and where you want - you really do have to have a ready source of money and be Living Off-The-Grid* and outside of The System!
a) If you don't have a ready source of money, you wont enjoy any comfort and you will certainly not be at lasting ease. It takes money to get into Living Off-The-Grid and establish the self-sufficient, self-reliant lifestyle!
b) If you don't Live Off-The-Grid*, you are never really going to get to enjoy having the four freedoms. The conventional way of modern, 9-5 Job type life is like a trap: It's an unsustainable, unfulfilling, continual drain on all of your resources; not just your money. The word JOB is, in fact, an acronym for "Just Over Broke"!
I'll break it down and explain this in detail below but, suffice it for now, the upshot is that you really do need both money and be Living Off-The-Grid to be in control of those things you depend on for a healthy, happy, productive life.
Scroll down to the bottom, when done reading, to leave a Comment and give me some feedback; share your opinion or ask a question. I read all the Comments and value the feedback.
Note: * By "Living Off The Grid", I mean that you are living free of any dependence on "The System" for your source of Income, Shelter, Food or Power.
By Shelter, I mean your home: The key here is that your home must be located on property that is free of HOA, CRCs or any other restrictions, such as zoning or State laws, that place limits on what you can do where you live!
So! Do you need money to be living off the grid?
That depends on what you mean when you talk about living off the grid! Let's dig into this further.
Well, you don't! That is, you don't need much, if any, money to get into living off the grid if all you want to do is go back to a very basic, rudimentary, survivalist form, of living off the grid. Go back to living virtually Caveman style! You just need to find your remote spot where you can legally set up camp to live off the grid. More about this below.
On the other hand, you do! You will, most likely, need plenty of money up front - in savings or income - if your goal is to create your own modern-day, Eco-Sensitive, Holistic Homestead for living off the grid with any form of comfort.
You will also, most definitely, need a source of money until you can create your own source of income. Just take it from Howard Goodman who's been living off the grid successfully for many years now.
Well, to live off grid and not like a Caveman you need a fair amount of money. If you have skills and ambition you could do it with $100K. I did it with less but I have more skills than most and I collected things for years ...
Make Money And Live Life On Your Terms Off The Grid. How? Check it out here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
So, How Much Money Do You Need?
So, how much money will you need to live life on your terms off the grid? Well ...., that depends! Also, where's the money to come from? That also depends. And that's what this post is all about: We'll explore the various reasons of why and how about money for living off the grid. Stay tuned; read on!
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Bare Shack Or Comfort Homestead - How Much Money?
Whether you choose the bare-essentials shack in survival mode option or choose the full-on homestead mode with comforts option, for your choice in living off the grid there are always going to be some things for which you will need some money.
In bare-shack mode, once you've found your choice location, then you build your bare-essentials shelter from surrounding trees, and you immediately start hunting for food, collecting drinking water and setting up an outhouse of sorts - you need to avoid disease and the pollution of your water source. You rely completely on your own survival skills and abilities to meet all of your lifestyle needs! Thus, you save the need for money!
No Completely Free Lunch!
However, there really is no completely free lunch! Only some ways to make lunch less expensive! Obviously, you will need a lot more money, even cash, in the case of creating a homestead with comforts than you would need for creating the bare-essentials shelter. And, while bartering can great and may help save, even avoid the need for money in some situations, it will not always an option.
So, this article is about how to make money to help you get off the grid. It is also about how to make money to support you while living off the grid.
This is about how to make money to help you get off the grid. It is also about how to make money to support you while living off the grid. #howtoliveoffthegrid
It's about where is the money to come from while getting into, creating and then living, a comfortable lifestyle off the grid. How to find the money; how to make the money and how to get the money. This is fundamentally about the why, what and how, to do of creating an income source to help getting into living off the grid and then supporting that lifestyle.
Does Your Income Support You
Living Off The Grid With Freedom And Comfort?
If not, you need to build your own business that does that for you!
Have a business or marketing question you want answered to help you get to living your dream of lifestyle freedom?
"How To Live Off The Grid Now™" To The Rescue!
And that's a key component in what "How To Live Off The Grid Now™" is about. Helping you with solving the money and income challenge!
It's not only about creating, but also about sustaining, your off the grid lifestyle. This includes providing access to resources for guiding you in creating your own source of income to support your living off the grid lifestyle. You have to build your own business as your source of income!
Ultimately, doing this can give you the chance for a happier, healthier, lifestyle with less stress and more freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it. But, that's probably going to happen only if you first set out a plan of objectives and then follow that plan.
So, do you know what's involved and how to do that? Do you have the money, income or resources to support your plan? Do you know how to build your own business? I can help you with that!
Do you know what's involved in getting off the grid? Do you have the money, income or resources to do your plan? And, do you know how to build a business to support your plan? Check it out here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
What Is Your Money Goal For You In Living Off The Grid?
But, before we get into details about how to get, and make, money while living off the grid, it's a good idea to be clear about your goals in relation to your potential need for money.
On the one hand, perhaps you yearn for a simple, bare-essentials, form of existence. Perhaps you just want to disappear from public view. Maybe you just want to go back to a simpler way of life.
Could even be that you see living off the grid as a way of reducing your cost of living and thus be less demanding on your retirement funds. If living off the grid with no money, or need for money, appeals to you, it's not easy to do but it is possible to do that. However, accomplishing this objective is not the specific focus of this article.
On the other hand, perhaps you aspire to create, and sustain, a self-sufficient, self-reliant, healthier, happier, more secure, fulfilling and rewarding, lifestyle by living as holistically, Eco-sensitively and Eco-aware as possible in living off the grid. You are going to need funds to support getting this adventure off the ground. And that's what "How To Live Off The Grid Now™" can help you do.
So, from a basic viewpoint, there is the possible "No Money Lifestyle" option and the "Make Money Lifestyle" option. What's the real difference between them?
From a basic viewpoint, there is the possible "No Money Lifestyle" option and the "Make Money Lifestyle" option for living off the grid. What's the real difference between them? Check that out here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
Living Off The Grid: The No Money Lifestyle?
If the no money lifestyle is your goal, then you can most likely be living off the grid somewhere today with little to no money. Some hardy folks with the the old pioneering spirit are doing just that. There's even TV Reality Shows about such folks. But, of course, that's how they are making money to support their off the grid adventure!
First, you need a place for setting up your living off the grid home. You just have to find your ideal, rent-free, location. It must include a reliable source of drinkable water. You will need an initial supply of survival food and gear to begin this adventure. You will also need to immediately build at least a rudimentary form of shelter wherever you can do that and live off the grid legally.
However, there is also little to no comfort, safety or security in living off the grid in that way. Neither is there any lasting benefit, or beneficially limiting reason, for doing only that. This will likely not be a happier, easier life than the one from which you are escaping! In fact, it could quickly turn into becoming a nightmare, lack of money likely becoming the least of your worries in the long run.
Living Off The Grid: The Make Money Lifestyle?
On the other hand, you will most definitely need access to a source of money, via savings, income or sponsorship, if your goal is to create your own modern-day, self-sustaining, self-sufficient, self-supporting, Eco-Sensitive, Eco-Aware, Holistic, Homestead for living off the grid in comfort.
In this case, income can then be created from at least 3 quite different angles. Money can come from creating a source of income from the development of your off the grid property. Or, it can come from using your off the grid property as a base of operations for running an online or other kind of business. Lastly, you may even be able to secure movie rights income from creating your own Reality TV Series. But, that's a very long shot!
Again, this is really the essence of what "How To Live Off The Grid Now™" is about. Helping guide you into how to accomplish the objective of creating your own self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-sustaining lifestyle.
Which "Living Off The Grid" Lifestyle Fits You?
But! Is living without the need for any money really what living off the grid is all about for you? Is that your specific objective? Then, which of the following situations best describes your ideas now?
But! Is living without the need for any money really what living off the grid is all about for you? Then, which of the following best describes your ideas? Check it out here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
A) Freedom From The Need For Money?
Is living off the grid with no money your goal simply because you have no money?
For whatever reason, you now find yourself in a situation with no steady income and limited savings. Somehow, you believe you can survive in living off the grid with no source of income or savings? That's a very risky idea. Very hard to actually do, even harder to sustain.
Perhaps you see living off the grid as a possible solution to needing to have any steady income? Is this to be your living off the grid type of lifestyle? If that is your present situation, I most certainly wish you well. However, that's not what "How To Live Off The Grid Now™" is about, though there may be parts here that can help you.
B) Freedom From The 9-5 Job For Money?
Or, is your goal in living off the grid focused on the idea of having a lifestyle that has no need for money from any external, 9-5 Job-type, income source?
You're creating your own self-sufficient, self-supporting homestead? Your goal is complete independence and self-reliance? Is this the basis of your desire to live off the grid?
Then, as a homesteader, you've planned to also create your own source of income from your off the grid resources. Or, perhaps, as an entrepreneur, you've planned to create your own online business as a source of income.
Either way or together, you're plan is to create income from sources under your own direction and control while living off the grid. You plan to have the money flow issue fully under control. But how do you do that? You build your own online business. I get into that detail for you below.
Want To Escape The 9-5 Income To Support You
Living Off The Grid With Freedom And Comfort?
You need to build your own online business that brings in an income for you!
Have a business or marketing question you want answered to help you get to living your dream of lifestyle freedom?
No Money Versus No Need For Money - Huge Difference!
Clearly, by now, you can see that there is a huge difference between the "having no money to live" need versus the "needing no money to live" situation.
The "having no money" situation leads to living a bare-essentials type of lifestyle out of necessity. On the other hand, the "having no need for money" comes from living a type of lifestyle that is so self-sufficient and self-sustaining that it even generates income. This is the only way for you to get to having no need for any other source of money!
In the former case, you may be in survival mode, feeling that living off the grid is your only option. But, you may be choosing to live with bare essentials because that is your way of living "green". Or you may be obliged to make do with bare essentials due to lack of money to do otherwise.
In the latter case, however, you invest to create a self-sufficient, self-supporting lifestyle. You rely on bartering to get the things you need that you cannot produce yourself but you have cash in reserve. Otherwise, you're creating a homestead where you grow more than enough of your own food to use excess for trade. Living off the grid productivity becomes its own source of money!
Either Way, You Will Need Some Method Of Trading.
Technically, there is almost always a need for some money or for some form of medium to use for bartering. No matter how simple your living off the grid lifestyle choices are, there will always be something else you need. It doesn't always have to be money you exchange to get what you need.
However, the ideal key to safely living off the grid is to be free of depending upon the 9-5 Jobs Market for your income. That market is notoriously unreliable and undependable (you can be fired, laid-off or made redundant in a heart beat!) - for your source of income regardless of how you live. So, build your own online business to get in control of your own source of income!
Key to safely living off the grid is freedom for your income from the 9-5 Jobs Market which is very unreliable - you can be fired or made redundant in a heart beat! Build your own business. See here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
Bare-Bones Essential Or Modern-Day Comforts
Living off the grid now, meaning, by today's standards, no longer needs to be equivalent to a bare-bones, bare-essentials, rudimentary-shack and subsistence style of living unless that is your preference and objective.
I'm all for having access to as many modern-day comforts and technology solutions as possible. The ideal objective surely is to securely enjoy a self-reliant, Eco-sensitive, holistic lifestyle, dependably earning as much income as possible while living off the grid. But, how do you do all that?
That's what "How To Live Off The Grid Now™" is about. That's what this article is about. It's all about showing you how do you do that? It's about helping you do that.
For starters, you can download your own FREE copy of my "Get Off The Grid Checklist" Report. This will give you a quick overview of the 11 Key processes involved in getting off the grid. You need to plan for, and handle, all these in your journey towards getting into living off the grid successfully.
Money To Go From Living On The Grid To Living Off The Grid.
From hereon in this article, I'm focusing on money for creating, and sustaining, the living off the grid lifestyle. The self-sufficient, self-reliant, as holistically, Eco-sensitive and Eco-aware as possible, lifestyle in living off the grid.
First, you will need money in going from living on the grid to living off the grid in this style.
You will need money in going from living on the grid to living off the grid if you want to continue to live with any form of comfort and ease. See here for why and how! #howtoliveoffthegrid
You are going to need some land on which to create your off the grid homestead. You will need a home and, possibly, other buildings depending upon your goals for your off the grid lifestyle.
In addition, you may need ample acreage if you intend to include livestock in your plans. You will need good, arable land if you plan to set up to grow marketable vegetables. You must have reliable access to drinkable water on your land and you will also need potable water for livestock and vegetables.
And, you are going to need good internet access if you are going to rely upon creating your own online business as a way of creating your income source or if you intend to broaden your marketing options for selling any produce you create from your off the grid property.
Money To Buy Or Lease Your Living Off The Grid Property.
While you can lease land, or even property, there is a clear disadvantage in leasing. By 'property', I mean land with buildings on it as distinct from bare, undeveloped land.
Leasing land may not be a good choice if you are going to have to invest in "improvements". Improvements is the "Real Estate" term for any addition to bare land such as housing, out-buildings or wells. You may have to put time, money and effort into property such development. Improvements may be necessary to meet your living off the grid homestead requirements.
One way to handle a leasing situation is to set it up for a very long term. For example, say 25, 50 or even 100 years, with the option to transfer or extend during its term.
This is a form of leasehold property tenancy, much more common in Europe than here in the US. Nonetheless, it can work very well for both the property owner and the lessee if structured carefully. You may need to seek guidance from a Real Estate Attorney to ensure you get the best deal possible.
And Money To Build Your Living Off The Grid Infrastructure.
You may need to get permits and install a septic system to handle your waste products.
You may even need to actually build a home. Even if you choose to go with a simple log-cabin or a tiny-home option, that will require money.
Then, you may also need to create various support buildings if you decide to include any livestock in your operations. For example, if you include chickens and/or rabbits, they will need their own form of housing. However, that kind of "housing", or handling facility, is usually an easy DIY project. Even so, you will need to include these items in your budgeting plan.
The key to being able to reliably live life on your terms is to be free of depending on anything over which you have no control that could affect your welfare and safety. Get details here! #howtoliveoffthegrid
And The Bottom Line Is:
But, of all these items, the single most important key to freedom is #1: Freedom from the 9-5 Jobs Market for your income!
Because, as outlined in all preceding paragraphs above, I have shown you how Money, the availability of money, whether through income or savings, is essential if you are to enjoy any form of comfort and freedom to live life on your terms, in living off the grid.
In other words:
- 1You do need to "Make Money" to "Live Life On Your Terms Off The Grid"!
- 2You cannot rely on any income from any Job as an employee because you have no control over your own employment!
Does Your Income Support You
Living Off The Grid With Freedom And Comfort?
If not, you need to build your own business that does that for you!
Have a business or marketing question you want answered to help you get to living your dream of lifestyle freedom?
Comments And Feedback:
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So, Where Is Money To Come From While Living Off The Grid?
Fortunately, there are several different ways in which you could make money to get you off the grid and gain support for your lifestyle once you are living off the grid. I've written a whole Blog Post on this topic. It's the next Blog Post in time-line going forward from this post. But, before you go there ....
I really want to hear from you; I look forward to hearing from you. What are your hopes and dreams for living off the grid? Has reading this post helped you or has it missed the mark? Please scroll down and tell me below here in the Comments section. I read all comments: They are vital because learning from your opinion and about your needs is important to me in keeping me on track in helping you. Thank you for sharing with me.